
Monthly Standings for November

 Here are the final monthly standings for November.  Congrats to Dragan Josifoski who finished top of the pile in the final game month of the season.

It was a tricky little month to negotiate with only two game weeks.  Game Week 35 saw the inevitable deluge of withdrawals and many of us struggled to field a competitive team while game week 36 featured the tour finals so everyone had very similar teams. Those that took a gamble on a couple of next gen players were ultimately rewarded.

Here is a breakdown of the top 6 competitors in the month of November.

Dragan had two terrific game weeks taking top spot in Game Week 35 and an impressive 5th spot in the final game week with a team that included Next Gen finalist Arthur Fils and two other next gen players.

Congrats to Dragan and all the others who finished the FTL season on a high!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, second for the month! Best I have ever had for a gameweek or monthly standings!


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